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Terms and Conditions


  • All competitions can be registered online; in-person competitions will be hosted in the summer once a year. 

  • All competitors get emailed PDF certificates and a comment sheet report card with average scores.

  • The First, Second, Third, and Honorable Mention are awarded. 

  • All forms of music making, all genres and styles, and open repertoire allow all musicians a fair chance to compete.

  • The application for digital competition is simple: Upload your performance to YouTube and complete the application form. Make sure you paste your video link and music sheet ready. Make payment and submit. 

  • The competition is open to students ages below 24.


  • All application fees are non-refundable after the registration deadline. 

  • All participants should keep the proof of their entrance fee. 

  • The entrance fee must match the categories of participants you are participating in, or the entrance will be disqualified. 

  • Results will be shared on the winners' page and per email notification. 

  • Sheet music/scores are required (Please check the regulation page). 

  • Music Matters may use images, audio, and video for marketing purposes. 

  • The parent/guardian or the instructor must complete the minor application form for them.  

  • Music Matters retains the right to disqualify inappropriate, offensive, or inadmissible material.  

  • All performers are required to perform in suitable recital or concert attire. Costumes, traditional attire, and uniforms are acceptable in the appropriate entry categories. Please refrain from wearing performance attire with writing, slogans, text, or advertisements.

  • Music Matters respects the rights and privacy of all and does not discriminate based on ethnicity, race, nationality, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.  


  • Competitors may have solo and ensemble categories with a separate registration form and entry fees.

  • Competitors enrolling in in-person competitions are not allowed to change repertoires after the deadline for registration. 

  • Digital online competition and In-person competition are two separate categories. 

  • Competitors are only allowed to register for either in-person or digital competitions. 

  • Your performance video for the competition must be no more than six months old.

  • Your entry is adjudicated based on the age category. 


  • Competitors must perform repertoires within the specific length or time restriction.

  • Repeats at the performers' discretion.  All Da Capo must be observed.

  • In the Classical categories,  single movements of sonatas or concertos may be entered. Single dances from Suites may be entered.  Prelude and Fugues may be entered as separate pieces.  Theme and Variations must be entered as a complete piece. 

  • All soloists must perform pieces from memory. 

  • Backtracks are allowed for digital competition and can accompany soloists. 

  • Short Concerts are allowed for digital competition and may be entered with piano reduction accompaniment, concerto backtracks, or live orchestral musicians.

  • Programs may be over or under the performance time limit. Programs over the time limit at any level of the competition will be cut at the judges' discretion.


  • The order of performance will be notified one week before the scheduled competition date. 

  •  All participants are required to provide the original scores for adjudicators.

  • Competitors must arrive and check in at least 15 minutes before the performance begins. Late admission into the performance will not be provided, and the competitor will be disqualified.

  • All performances are free to the general public to observe. 

  • Competitors and, wherever applicable, their accompanists must notify their presence at least fifteen minutes before the performance time.

  • Competitors must demonstrate a practical knowledge of basic concert performance etiquette.

  • Competitors who do not perform at the required time will be disqualified.

  • Competitors will receive their marks via email within a week after the competition date. All prizes, awards, certificates, trophies, and scholarship winners will be announced and presented at the Rising Stars Concert. 

  • Marks and evaluation comments are private and confidential. Verbal adjudication may not be provided.

  • Competitors must give the judge one original of each piece they will be performing. For accompanied works, the original must include both the solo and the accompaniment parts. Bar numbers must be written at the beginning of each staff line or accolade.

  • The accompanist must use an original print of the piece. Using page-turners is expected if required.

  • The Music Matters may, in its sole discretion, substitute or appoint additional adjudicators.

  • No rehearsal on stage is permitted.

  • Upon request, the Music Matters can recommend accompanists.

  • Tuning and warm-up are permitted within the designated areas of the event venue. However, solo piano competitors are not allowed to warm up. 

  • Offstage and warm-up facilities are not available.

  • Competitors, teachers, or public members may not approach or speak with the judge.

  • Music stands will be available free of charge to competitors in solo or chamber music classes upon request.

  • The marks awarded by the judge are final.

  • The Music Matters will not be responsible for the loss or damage to scores, musical instruments, or other property on the competition date.

  • All travel and accommodation expenses, accompanist’s fees, and, wherever applicable, public performance royalty fees are the competitor's responsibility.


  • All participants will provide publicly accessible video links to YouTube. 

  • All solo participants must record two repertoires with contrasting styles within one take; no editing will be allowed. 

  • Music Matters takes no responsibility for videos that have permissions set to limit viewership or are published through any other video-sharing platform (Vimeo, etc.). Ensure that your video is viewable by a third party. 

  • Videos should be unlisted, with comments disabled.

  • Recordings must consist of uninterrupted video footage of the participant/group, preferably from a single camera angle with coverage of the performer's full or upper body at all times. There is no video splicing (editing a video by combining different video takes). In the case of ensembles and large groups such as bands or orchestras, the entire group, including all accompaniment instruments/performers, must be visible at some point in the video. 

  • Video submissions must be of your own performance. Lip sync or dubbed performance is not acceptable as it is not verifiable for the jury if the performance is, in fact, your own original performance. Instrumental video must be angled in such a way that we can see that it is actually the performer playing; for example, do not have a music stand covering your instrument/fingers, do not angle the camera in such a manner that we cannot see your hands and fingers playing on the piano, and etc.

  • Virtual ensemble, orchestra, and band competitions: Submit your link to your virtual music performance compilation.

  • Although Music Matters does not require professional recordings and accepts video made at your home studio on your devices such as computers, tablets, or phones, keep in mind that the video and audio quality must be such that the judges have a clear and fair representation of your performance.  Please have a steady image - avoid handheld shaky video. Please check focus, clarity, lighting, and camera angle. You will not lose points in your evaluation, but good video and audio quality will make judging easier.

  • Please have the video cued to begin within three to five seconds after the video starts.

  • Recordings must feature the work the participant entered on the entry form.

  • YouTube videos must be labeled/named clearly with the STUDENT NAME/ENSEMBLE NAME and the title and composer of your piece. You will not be disqualified if this is not correctly labeled.

  • There is no need to announce your name or provide any text to your video.  However, your video will not be disqualified from the announcement. No text on the video will be allowed. 

Marking Criteria 

  • The Music Matters adjudicators' rating criteria are explicitly outlined as techniques, rhythms, pedaling/bowling, dynamics, phrases, style interpretation, musical concept, and stage presentation. 


  • Judges' decisions are final and can't be appealed.

  • Participants will receive the report of their performance score. Judges' feedback is not guaranteed. 

  • Separate Adjudication will be held for digital entrances, and winners will be selected from Digital Contest. 

  • Digital submissions will undergo a distinct evaluation process with different judges, and the winners of the Digital Contest will be determined from this category.

  • Categories are:

         Elementary: ages 6 and 9
         Junior: ages 10 to 13

         Intermediate: ages 14 to 16
         Senior: ages 17 to 19 

         College ages 20 to 24

  • Age is calculated as your age on the first day of the current year. 

  • During the adjudication period, the adjudicators will begin reviewing the application footage. All adjudication will be completed within a week, and all winners will be posted on the website's winner's page. 

  • Within each category, any number of first-, second-, and third-prize winners (s) and honorable mentions will be awarded. All participants receive PDF certificates. The judges will also give each participant a comment sheet/report card.

  • Music Matters may feature select winners and promote young artists through its website, social media, etc. 

  • All results are final and unappealable.

  • Before filling out the application, ensure you Read all rules, guidelines, and agreements. Ensure that the participant's instructor (if applicable) and, in the case of minors, the parent(s) know the candidate or group's intent to participate and obtain verbal or written consent. Confirm the information of the selection(s) one wishes to perform with complete title, composer first and last name, movement title or tempo indication, BWV, or other catalog numbers when available. 

  • In the case of large school groups such as orchestras, bands, and ensembles, the responsible adult must have media release permission and consent from minors' parents to participate in this competition.

Winner Recital 

  • Each participant will be notified of the results. The winners of the competition will perform at Benaroya Hall. 

  • Detailed Winners' Recital Guidelines will be emailed to the participants.

  • Each performer must perform one of their competition pieces. 

  • Trophies and scholarships are only awarded to performers participating in the winner's recital.

  • To change a performance repertoire, the participant must submit a link to the new piece video recording and a $50 fee not later than two weeks before the concert. 

  • Only acoustic piano accompaniment can be used at the Winners' Recital. Only one grand piano will be available at the Recital Hall. No acoustic system will be provided.

  • Participants must bring their piano accompanist, but an accompanist can be arranged for $125/hr. 

  • Music Matters collects short biographies of each participant to introduce winners' performances at the Winner's Recitals. 

  • The participant attended the Winners' recital, which cost $130 per student, to receive a customized prize. 

  • All participants are responsible for their expenses (travel, housing accommodations, etc.).

Please email us at if you have any questions.

The committee reserves the right to request additional information from or about an applicant.

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